Five Collections | Max Sprecher Custom Straight Razors
The Micro/Mini Line which includes Micro, Mini (MM) are designed for trimming and shaving around those hard to get spots. Be it a goatee, mustache, side burns, or that small, unreachable spot of beard growth that's hard to target with a regular sized razor. Many also use the razor for a full shave.
The Micro/Mini Line starts at $395 and includes :
Scales from a choice of 15 Acrylic Colors
Point Choice
A Polished or Satin Finish
Curved Design
Thumb Notch
Tapered Wedge
Option to Upgrade Spine and Tang with File Work
Option to Upgrade to Inlays (full or partial) on Spine and Tang
Upgrade Choice to different Scale Materials (Shell, Kirinite,...)
Choice of Inlay Materials as per design and availability
Hand Engraving Upgrades
Free shipping within the USA
The Max Sprecher Value Line Custom Razor is a beautifully-crafted full sized, traditional and functional razor that is offered in a classic design.
The Value Line starts at $495 and includes :
Scales from a choice of 15 Acrylic Colors
Upgrade Choice of 10 Shell Materials
Point Choice
A Satin Finish
Curved Design
Option to Upgrade to a Polished Finish and Jimps
Option to Upgrade Spine and Tang with File Work
Free shipping within the USA
The Max Sprecher Premier Line Custom Razor is a luxury-crafted full sized razor that offers an abundance of style options, materials, and design upgrades.
The Premier Line starts at $585 and includes:
Scales from a choice of 15 Acrylic Colors
Point Choice
Polished or Satin Finish
Curved Design
Tapered Wedge
Jimps or Notches
Option to Upgrade Spine and Tang with File Work
Option to Upgrade to Inlays (full or partial) on Spine and Tang
Upgrade Choice to different Scale Materials (Shell, Kirinite,...)
Choice of Inlay Materials as per design and availability
Hand Engraving Upgrades
Free shipping within the USA
The Max Sprecher Kamisori Line Custom Razor is a fixed handle razor with a Western grind that offers ease of shave with several style options and design upgrades.
The Kamisori Line starts at $460 and includes:
Point Choice
Polished or Satin Finish
Curved Design
Jimps or File-work Notches
Option to Upgrade Handle Length
Option to Upgrade Spine and Handle with File Work
Option to Upgrade to Inlays (full or partial) on Spine and Handle
Choice of Inlay Materials as per design and availability
Hand Engraving Upgrades
Free shipping within the USA
The Max Sprecher San Mai Line Custom Razor is a hand forged multi-layered Japanese steel with a composition that comes close to that used frequently in Japanese swords (Katana) featuring a high carbon white steel core that is thin and sits between . 2 outer layers. The outer layer count (soft steel) usually ranges between 16 and 22 layers per side.
The San Mai Line starts at $595 and includes:
Scales from a choice of 15 Acrylic Colors
Point Choice
Etched or Polished
Curved Design and Thumb-Notch
Jimps Upper Tang or Filework Notches Upper Tang
Upgrade Choice to different Scale Materials (Shell, Kirinite,...)
Hand Engraving Upgrades
Free shipping within the USA